Don’t let Central Lyons Fire’s rural nature and rich history with the Comstock Lode and Pony Express Trail fool you, high tech is part of what we do every day, every call. From Lucas Devices (Automated CPR machines) on every ambulance, battery powered extrication tools on the Rescue units, to Drones recently added East and West in the District, high tech tools, and the knowledge to use them effectively are part of who we are.
Our Drones have performed admirably in several very different situations since nine (9) Central Lyon Fire “pilots” completed FAA training. One call was a late-night response to Lake Lahontan for a missing Kayaker. Launching the Drone from the shoreline and using its infra-red capability to detect heat, the drone was able to locate the overturned kayak, with the missing kayaker hanging on, and then using its searchlight guide a rescue boat to the scene.
On another call we were able to help the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office locate an armed suspect in the backyard of a residence. Again, using the infra-red capabilities, the Drone located the suspect inside a tent like structure and relayed live video to the SO who used it to make informed decisions and safely resolve the situation.
Another time Central Lyon Fire units were working their way into a wildland fire in the Como Range and trying to locate the best access to the fire. They used the Drone to locate the fire, determine the best path to take, and with video from the Drone were able to estimate size and rate of spread and order appropriate resources to have the fire quickly under control.
The Drones have also been used to help figure out cause and origin of both wildland and structure fires. The unique perspectives and ability to take pictures from them help our Fire Investigators gather evidence and solve cases.

Contact our District Office directly by calling (775) 246-6209 or by email at admin@centralfirenv.org. If it is an emergency, please dial 911.