Protect Our Community
The wildland urban interface – that area where the homes and communities intermingle with open land – the place where wildland fires do the most damage to people and property.
The Central Lyon Fire protection district was awarded the FEMA Fresh Start urban fuels reduction grant.
Our Grant
The goal of this grant is to reduce the urban fuel load in the 89429 (Silver Springs and Stagecoach) area.
-Urban fuels consist of household waste, furniture, appliances, tires, treated lumber, metal, and in some cases non-running vehicles and recreational vehicles.
-Help educate the public on wildland urban interface principles and living in a wildland urban interface area.
-Mobilize the community to reduce neighborhood waste and unwanted rubbish.
- We are looking to help those who need and want help removing the urban fuel load they have.
-Help protect the Silver Springs and Stagecoach communities against wildfire and urban catastrophic fires.
-Reduce urban fuel continuity between the organic fuels to slow or stop wildfires and catastrophic urban fires.
-Improve response times and safety of first responders in the event of an emergency.
-Educate the public of the importance of defensible space around their homes and businesses.
Fresh Start urban fuels reduction grant doesn’t cover organic fuels.
Contact us by calling 775-492-8998 or by email at If it is an emergency, please dial 911.