
We are Central Lyon County Fire Protection District

September 19, 2022

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Central Lyon County Residents,

During recent interactions with local citizen advisory boards, central committees, and you the public, it became apparent to us, your Fire Department and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) provider, the necessity to provide clarifying information on who we are, what we do, and how we work. Over the next several weeks we want to provide you with information or FAQs that answers these questions.

If you desire more information, you can find it on our website, call 775-246-6209, Text CLF to 22828, or scan the QR code below:

QR Code

FAQ 1: Who We Are

We are Central Lyon County Fire Protection District. We are your exclusive 911 fire and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) provider in Mound House, Silver City, Dayton, Dayton Valley, Mark Twain, Stagecoach, and Silver Springs. We are the largest geographic, most populated, and busiest of the 4 independent fire “districts” in Lyon County, Nevada. The City of Fernley is served by North Lyon Fire Protection District; the City of Yerington and surrounding areas are served by the Yerington-Mason Valley Fire Protection District, and the southern areas of Lyon County are served by the Smith Valley Fire Protection District.

Even though our jurisdiction, the 640 square miles of ground we cover, is physically in Lyon County, we are not part of Lyon County’s local government. 50 years ago in 1971, the Lyon County Board of County Commissioners established the Central Lyon County Fire Protection District, a separate and independent political subdivision of the State of Nevada with its own budget and administration. The Board of County Commissioners functioned as the Fire District’s elected board until the mid-1990s when under NRS 474 the Fire District received its own elected Board of Directors of 5 citizens who have an invested sole interest in the Fire District and your wellbeing. Our Board of Directors holds monthly open meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm at our Administration Office at 246 Dayton Valley Rd # 106 in Dayton. The next meeting is on October 13, 2022.

Though we are independent of Lyon County government with a separately elected body and a separate tax district and budget with no comingled funds, we must maintain a strong working relationship with Lyon County to ensure that you have a good quality of life here in our 7 unincorporated communities. To ensure your fire district is effective in maintaining and improving your quality of life here in Central Lyon County, we actively interact with the Lyon County Board of County Commissioners, County Manager, and Comptroller, the Citizens Advisory Boards, the Lyon County Sheriff, Human Services, and the other 3 fire districts.

Contact our District Office directly by calling (775) 246-6209 or by email at If it is an emergency, please dial 911.

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