Good Afternoon Central Lyon County residents and businesses,
The heavy wind yesterday blew in more than dust and political campaign signs across your yards. The seasonal weather change with the rain, and possibly light dusting of snow last night, has signified one of Central Lyon County Fire District most popular times of the year: Open Burning Season. Last year we issued almost 1,400 burn permits allowing properties greater than ¼ acre to use fire as a tool to reduce and mitigate fire danger caused by annual grasses and noxious vegetation that grows close to our homes and businesses. We anticipate to issue many more this year. Please keep your property fire safe while also being a good neighbor for free! That’s right, one of the last free things available today. Get your Burn Permit today at or in person at the Fire District administration office located at 246 Dayton Valley Rd. #106, or at one of the 24/7 staffed fire stations, 35 in the Sutro neighborhood or 37 on the east side of the Stagecoach valley.
Effective November 1, 2022, burn season is open to the public. Open burning can only be conducted between November 1, 2022, and May 14, 2023, when conditions allow. Burning is only permissible if wind speeds are 10 mph or less. Before burning, verify by calling the burn line at 775.246.6232 to determine whether it is a permissible burn day; this line is not monitored, please do not leave messages as they will not be returned. If it is not a permissible burn day, burning is not allowed on that day, under any circumstances. Regular burn hours are from SUNRISE until NOON, with absolutely no smoke visible after 2 P.M. The responsible party shall extinguish and monitor the burn for a minimum of two (2) hours after extinguishment. Hours and conditions may be subject to change. Burning must be conducted at least 30 feet from any structure or other combustible materials. Burn piles shall be no more than 3 feet in diameter by 2 feet high and consist of only clean woody, forest, range, or yard vegetation. Burning household trash and treated wood or lumber, and burn barrels are PROHIBITED! A water supply and other approved fire-extinguishing equipment, such as shovels and rakes, shall be readily available for use at all burn sites. Be reminded that you are not relieved of any liability with the issuance of a burn permit and that you are responsible for any escaped fire damages and suppression cost. Burning outside of regulation is also a misdemeanor offense carrying fines up to $1000.
Please have a productive, happy, and safe burn season.
Contact our District Office directly by calling (775) 246-6209 or by email at If it is an emergency, please dial 911.